For years God had revealed plans to us that required a large sailing vessel. We pursued a few different yachts although for one reason or another they ultimately didn't come to anything.
However now, by God’s provision, we have been able to purchase an amazing 70ft steel schooner, which is a perfect fit for our ministry and requires very few changes!
Having arrived last August (2019) we have demonstrated that Living Water is a suitable vessel for this mission, but at present, she is on her anchor in Bwagoia Harbour and needing her rudder to be loosened.
The present restrictions resulting from the ‘hidden enemy’ of Covid-19 has made sailing to Australia impossible until the restrictions are lifted. She is in good shape although I do need to go aloft the mainmast to close a hole made by a batten clasp in the track during the frapping made by the mainsail.
Our primary aim is to reach the multiple island region of the Milne Bay Province with both the Gospel message and foundational Christian teaching, the schooner will facilitate this in a number of ways.
We will use her to give vision and purpose to young people by operating a sail-training and adventure program aimed at young men, in which we will teach them elementary principles of the Word and how to develop a Spirit-controlled life in the disciplined atmosphere of life at sea. As the need arises for young women we shall embrace that as well with equal vigour.
The remoteness of our location is such that, despite her limited capacity, she will play an important role in carrying a useful amount of cargo and passengers between the islands, mainland and on some occasions Australia.
Living Water will eventually be reflagged and become Papua New Guinea’s first resident Sail Training vessel!
Colleen feels that as the second stage of our ministry comes to pass, we will need to sail to windward to minister in the South Seas reaching back to where the Gospel first arrived in the Pacific at Matavai Bay in Tahiti but this will be affirmed by the Lord and He will give us a strategy and time to begin this.
Hi are you needing crew. Richard.
Looking at buying a yacht but want some experience for Christian missions
Fantastic, I have served in Milne Bay on the MV PNG and loved it, so would love to come on board with this missions as I much prefer sailing.