The Mission
Teaching, evangelism and discipling through our Basic Concepts Course in the local churches and together with adventure training, on our schooner Living Water among the islands and with candidates taken from villages.
Travel between villages and towns is often only possible by sea (or air) due to the heavily forested hills, which is why much of our ministry revolves around teaching good seamanship and showing them how to build safer, more capable boats.
Our first boat building project will be a gaff cutter of 28ft LOD,but that can only begin after we get the land and build the mission base.

Our long term plans are:
We will be based in Misima Island, mainly in Bwagoia and working together with the United Charismatic Mission which has six congregations on the island.
We will also be working with JAARS Transport too, especially in connection with Kwadima II which they have leased to us for us to use to run regular services between Alotau and Misima but also to help us in our mission outreaches to other islands in the Louisiade Archipelago and also to provide transport for the Bible translators of SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics) Wycliffe Bible Translators and others.
Our focus will be to work among younger people regardless of denomination, and to invite them via their pastors to attend our Basic Concepts Course mixed with a sailing adventure and then to help them cultivate generosity by working with poorer subsistence families for a few days in their gardens. The reason for this is because we really do perceive the Lord’s leading at this time is for holiness. That is to say the separation of the spirit from the flesh or the Kingdom of God from the culture and philosophies of this world. God has shown us that the Word will do the work as we minister it in the spirit.
We will be encouraging the local congregations to teach the same course which we now have translated into Misima language. So teaching ministry and practical skills such as seamanship, boatbuilding and mechanics to enable their ministries to stand up financially and be effective is our target.
We still need some land at Bwagoia upon which to build our mission base.
We are also looking to the Lord to provide large sums of money to achieve this.
We aim to install satellite communications at the base or even a location we can set up temporarily, both for emergencies and to enable further advancement.