We are now at Palmerston Island. We had difficult weather and arrived here in F6 (not F4). The folk here reported that a ketch had her sails blown out some days earlier and we ourselves experienced F9< and a good few tons of water dumped on our stern coachroof. LW is certainly a strong ship for which we are very thankful.
Internet is difficult and expensive here and after resting for a few days and experiencing some of the splendid fish abundantly teeming in these waters we shall be on our way again. We met the pastor of the local church who knows the history from the LMS days. Colly is also delighted to be in the Cooks as it was some of them that came to Misima in the 1880’s and brought the Gospel to the Misimans.
On LW the pt side quarter light window was knocked out by the heavy wave and the saltwater ingress wrecked the two mice for the computer, which I will I will have to replace in Vavau (Tonga). Additionally the canvass cockpit cover was damaged and a bucket was carried away.
The winds are beginning to abate and perhaps we’ll be on our way again next week. Colly tells me that many young folk in Misima have been inspired by our voyage and are looking forward to our arrival. I pray that the inspiration will lead them to get close to the Lord.
I will try to get through to you again before we leave from this one of the remotest places on the Earth.
Love and blessings
Guy and the LW’s