Colly and Guy – an update!

COLLYS UPDATE “Hello from me, Colly.  Guy and I have been together since 2009 and we have four adopted children, I say children but three of them are now adults with only one remaining child.  Lin Lin 28, Amram 26, Mercy 19 and lastly Talitha at 8 (9 in July).  The two older ones have…

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It’s been a while…

It has been a long time since I wrote a few words and excuses aside, the Babaliman(South East Trade winds) season from May to July lasted until the beginning of thismonth. This season is for SE PNG their wet season where high pressure SE ofAustralia funnels cold wind into the SE Trades which drives up…

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Secretary of L.W.M. P.N.G and Training Coordinator Stan has been involved with L.W.M. from the beginning, he is involved in all aspects of the work, and will be a member of the crew delivering “Living Water” to Milne Bay.

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Ronnie and Elsie Tomulesi

Ronnie is the founding pastor of United Charismatic Mission having planted 6 congregations on Misima and other islands in the Louisiade Archipelago around Misima as well.   Ronnie started out running a fishing dory for the Fisheries Dept based at Kuiaro, near Samarai from where he regularly went out to the sunken barrier reef on commercial…

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Guy and Colleen Willson

Mission Principal’s / Head of ministry and practical training, and Pastor. In 1978 Guy was running a coconut plantation in Papua New Guinea when he had a personal experience of Jesus Christ which led him to totally refocus his life.  In the preparation for his call he first trained in Carpentry and Joinery in 1983…

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Mission Hanua (mission house)

Our mission base on Misima Island will be at Bwagoia, although we are presently working from Living Water at her anchorage.   Earlier we had planned to set up at Kwato Island but God wanted us clearly to move to Misima.   Interestingly the architects drawing given to me while I was at Rhema Bible Training Centre…

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Piracy attack – Praise God nobody was hurt

Our new workboat Kwadima was attacked by 20 pirates in two banana boats at about 03.30 last Wednesday at 9°57’3 S  150°45’5 E.  They fired shotguns three times at the wheelhouse only 20m away and missed.   Not one shot hit, it was calm and the engineer was convinced he was finished.    The pirates boarded…

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Steering issues, mission land and a burst dinghy

Colly and I have just returned from a two-week break in Australia and have now returned to Milne Bay. On the first night back we stayed with my friend Chris Abel as usual and that night we had one of the largest thunderstorms I had ever encountered with incredibly heavy rainfall and huge cracks of…

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YAY…! We made it.

Hi everyone greetings from Living Water here in Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. We have now come to the end of our journey and probably this is our last newsletter for the long journey we have done after doing the 13,800 nautical miles crossing 12 countries. Living Water has now completed the voyage and…

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Arrived at Misima Island!

Living Water has arrived safely in PNG!They are currently anchored in Misima Island and don’t have access to internet to share pics and a full update with us.In the meantime I received this via satellite: Hello Cameron, We have a lot to share on the welcome and Colly is frustrated about her inability to access…

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